Salvation Book::
Verses 2 and 3, 20, 21, 19. How many more can you find?
Have the students make a map of events of Jesus last days, starting from Chapter 17 to Chapter 21.
Part I
In these last few chapters you will be like a good reporter. A good reporter searches out the answers to these questions; who, what, when, where, why and how. Write your answer and the verse where it can be found, (if the question does not list the verse.)
What does Jesus say God gave Him that He could give to as many as God gave Him?
What does Jesus say is eternal life?
What did Jesus say He had with His Father before the world was?
What, in verse 8, did Jesus give to His disciples and from whom did it come?
In verse 9, who did Jesus pray for and who did he not pray for?
What is the last sentence of vs. 11?
Who was the “lost” son of perdition” that Jesus was referring to in verse 12?
In verse 14, what again does Jesus say He gave the disciples and what did the world think of Jesus and His disciples?
What does sanctified mean in verse 19?
10. Who does Jesus pray for in verse 20?
11. In verse 24 what does Jesus say happened before the foundation of the world?
12. What does Jesus ask for us in the last sentence of verse 26?
Part II
Make a list of everything Jesus says in this chapter about God’s word. Include the verse that proves your answer.