Salvation Book: Verses 7 – 18, and 27 – 30
Part I
Game: “The Sheep Gathering”. A sheepfold is like the one pictured above, it has only one opening for the sheep to enter and leave and the opening is where the shepherd sleeps so the sheep can’t get past him. Goal: Someone has scattered the sheep, and they need to be put back in their sheepfolds. Use a bowl as a sheepfold for each child. Have green colored paper or blanket to use as a field to spread the sheep on. Make a shepherd’s staff out of a piece of cardboard and glue a magnet on the back of it. Then write some scripture verses from the chapter on the sheep provided, (some are done fore you). Then place paper clips on the sheep. Set a timer for thirty seconds to a minute and have everyone use their staffs with the magnet on it to gather up as many sheep as they can and have them put them in their sheepfolds. Once they have their sheep in their sheepfolds have them look at the verses on the sheep and give a time limit to write what verse numbers they are the correct order. They must be careful because some of the verses are wolves in disguise; their verses have nothing to do with the lesson. The one who has the most gathered and in the right order wins. (Another idea is to hide the sheep throughout the house, yard or classroom, etc… and let the youth search and see how many each has gathered in their sheepfold).
Part II - Which Verse?
In which verses does Jesus tell us who is responsible for His death?
In which verse does Jesus say His sheep know His voice?
In which verses does Jesus imply that He leas the sheep?
In which verses does Jesus refer to Himself as the “Good Shepherd”?
Which verse does Jesus talk about sheep from another fold?
In which verses does Jesus refer to Himself as an entryway into the sheepfold?
In which verses does Jesus talk about thieves, wolves and hirelings?
In which verse does Jesus say He gives us abundant life?
In which verse does Jesus explain why His Father loves Him?
Part III - Questions for discussion or to answer in paragraph form.
Who was Jesus talking about in verse 16 when He mentioned those who were not of “this” fold?
What does Jesus mean when He says no one can pluck us from His hands or His Father’s hands?
Why is it important to know in verse 18 that Jesus laid down His life Himself?