Salvation Book: Verses 9, 25, 26
Part I
Once again this is a good story for family or youth groups to act out.
Part II – Verses 1-44
Essay or story idea: (Let the children take turns reading their stories out loud.)
Place yourself in the story of Lazarus as an onlooker or a reporter.
What did you see?
Who was there with you?
How many people were there?
When you heard Jesus tell the disciples in vs. 4 that Lazarus’ sickness was not unto death, was it a shock to hear he’d been dead four days?
What do you think the disciples thought about it?
How did you feel when Mary came to Jesus weeping?
Did you cry also?
Did it hurt you to see Jesus weep?
What did you think when Jesus told them to roll the stone away?
Was there an odor?
What did you feel and how did you react to Lazarus coming out of the tomb?
Did you talk to Lazarus afterward; what did you say?
Was there a celebration at Martha, Mary and Lazarus house later?
Use your imagination, and walk with Jesus.
Part III - Verses 45-57
Questions for discussion:
If you were a non-believer, would you believe in Jesus after seeing Lazarus come out of the grave? Why?
Why were the chief priest and the Pharisees afraid for the people to believe in Jesus?
Do you think Caiaphas realized he was prophesying about Jesus in verse 50?
Why do you think Jesus wouldn’t go to Jerusalem right away?