Matthew Chapter 26

Map Work

Did you make a house for Caiaphas, the High Priest? (Verses 3-5) 

Also, Jesus returns to Bethany to the house of Simon the Leper. 

Where is the town of Bethany, do you remember?

Jesus and His disciples return to Jerusalem from Bethany, what distance did they travel?
**Remember, Bethany is on a Mountain.  How high is the Mt. and about how long would it take to travel down that Mt. on foot, and then how far is it from the bottom of the Mt. to the city of Jerusalem?**

Answer the following questions:

1. What Feast Day does Jesus say took place in two days?
2. What kind of building does the High Priest, Caiaphas, live in?
3. What did the scribes, chief priests, elders and Caiaphas plan?
4. What city was Jesus in when the woman anointed Him?
5. What did the woman anoint Jesus with?
6. In the gospel of John, Chapter 12 verses 1-11, John tells us who this woman is.  Who is she and        who is her brother?
7. In Luke 7:40-50; Luke tells us why she poured the oil on Jesus head, washed and kissed His feet;      what were the three final things Jesus said to her for doing this?
8. What did the chief priest offer Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus?  **Bonus:  Where is this                       prophesied?
9. What did Jesus say about the man who would betray Him?
10. Passover is also called, what, in Exodus 12:17?  (*the Israelites had to eat this kind of bread             because they would be on the run from the Egyptians)
11. During this feast the Jewish people drink wine and eat lamb to remember what event in Exodus          12:7,13.
12. When Jesus picked up the bread and the wine and said in Luke 22:19 "Do this in remembrance of       Me."  Why would Jesus want them to now remember Him during the Feast of the Passover?             How does it all relate?  Neil and Jamie Lash have an interesting tape teaching on the Passover at
13. In verse 31, what prophesy is Jesus quoting?  In verse 47-56 this prophesy is fulfilled.
14. Who does Jesus say will betray Him 3 times?
15. What method did Judas use to betray Jesus?
16. Who followed Jesus at a distance?
17. How many false witnesses finally came forward?
18. What answer did Jesus give that made the High Priest tear his clothes?
19. What did they do to Jesus in verse 67 and 68?  Where is this prophesied at?
20. When did Peter remember what Jesus foretold about himself?
21. What was Peter's reaction when he realized what he did because of fear?

In all that we've read so far that Jesus has endured; do you think Jesus could ever relate to the problems we face each day?  Have problems?  Call "J E S U S" He understands.


1. Passover
2. Palace
3. They wanted to take Jesus by treachery and kill Him.
4. Bethany
5. Costly fragrant oil
6. Mary, the sister of Lazarus
7. "Your sins are forgiven", "Your faith has saved you", "Go in peace."
8. 30 pieces of silver---Bonus: Zechariah 11:12.
9. "It would be good for that man if he had not been born."
10. The Feast of Unleavened Bread
11. The blood of the lamb on the doorpost that saved the Israelites from the last plague.
12. Jesus became our sacrificed Lamb on the cross and His blood was shed that we could be saved from the plague of sin and death.  The unleavened bread represents the sinlessness of Jesus.  Who also happens to be "The Bread of Life"   **It's amazing that everything pointed to Jesus since the time of Moses and the Passover and even before."
13. Zechariah 13:7
14. Peter
15. Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss.
16. Peter
17. 2 Prophesied Psalm 35:11
18. Vs. 64 "It is as you said. Nevertheless, I say to you"
19. Spit in His face, beat Him and struck Him with the palms of their hands
20. He remembered when the rooster (cock) crowed.
21. He wept bitterly.

Matthew Chapter 26

Map Work

Did you make a house for Caiaphas, the High Priest? (Verses 3-5) 

Also, Jesus returns to Bethany to the house of Simon the Leper. 

Where is the town of Bethany, do you remember?

Jesus and His disciples return to Jerusalem from Bethany, what distance did they travel?
**Remember, Bethany is on a Mountain.  How high is the Mt. and about how long would it take to travel down that Mt. on foot, and then how far is it from the bottom of the Mt. to the city of Jerusalem?**

Answer the following questions:

1. What Feast Day does Jesus say took place in two days?
2. What kind of building does the High Priest, Caiaphas, live in?
3. What did the scribes, chief priests, elders and Caiaphas plan?
4. What city was Jesus in when the woman anointed Him?
5. What did the woman anoint Jesus with?
6. In the gospel of John, Chapter 12 verses 1-11, John tells us who this woman is.  Who is she and        who is her brother?
7. In Luke 7:40-50; Luke tells us why she poured the oil on Jesus head, washed and kissed His feet;      what were the three final things Jesus said to her for doing this?
8. What did the chief priest offer Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus?  **Bonus:  Where is this                       prophesied?
9. What did Jesus say about the man who would betray Him?
10. Passover is also called, what, in Exodus 12:17?  (*the Israelites had to eat this kind of bread             because they would be on the run from the Egyptians)
11. During this feast the Jewish people drink wine and eat lamb to remember what event in Exodus          12:7,13.
12. When Jesus picked up the bread and the wine and said in Luke 22:19 "Do this in remembrance of       Me."  Why would Jesus want them to now remember Him during the Feast of the Passover?             How does it all relate?  Neil and Jamie Lash have an interesting tape teaching on the Passover at
13. In verse 31, what prophesy is Jesus quoting?  In verse 47-56 this prophesy is fulfilled.
14. Who does Jesus say will betray Him 3 times?
15. What method did Judas use to betray Jesus?
16. Who followed Jesus at a distance?
17. How many false witnesses finally came forward?
18. What answer did Jesus give that made the High Priest tear his clothes?
19. What did they do to Jesus in verse 67 and 68?  Where is this prophesied at?
20. When did Peter remember what Jesus foretold about himself?
21. What was Peter's reaction when he realized what he did because of fear?

In all that we've read so far that Jesus has endured; do you think Jesus could ever relate to the problems we face each day?  Have problems?  Call "J E S U S" He understands.


1. Passover
2. Palace
3. They wanted to take Jesus by treachery and kill Him.
4. Bethany
5. Costly fragrant oil
6. Mary, the sister of Lazarus
7. "Your sins are forgiven", "Your faith has saved you", "Go in peace."
8. 30 pieces of silver---Bonus: Zechariah 11:12.
9. "It would be good for that man if he had not been born."
10. The Feast of Unleavened Bread
11. The blood of the lamb on the doorpost that saved the Israelites from the last plague.
12. Jesus became our sacrificed Lamb on the cross and His blood was shed that we could be saved from the plague of sin and death.  The unleavened bread represents the sinlessness of Jesus.  Who also happens to be "The Bread of Life"   **It's amazing that everything pointed to Jesus since the time of Moses and the Passover and even before."
13. Zechariah 13:7
14. Peter
15. Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss.
16. Peter
17. 2 Prophesied Psalm 35:11
18. Vs. 64 "It is as you said. Nevertheless, I say to you"
19. Spit in His face, beat Him and struck Him with the palms of their hands
20. He remembered when the rooster (cock) crowed.
21. He wept bitterly.