Matthew Chapter 22
None. Jesus is still in the Jerusalem area.
Part 1
Jesus begins this chapter with a parable. Read versus 1-14.
1. Who were the characters of Jesus parable? 2. Did Jesus place His story in a present, past or future time frame? 3. What was the plot of Jesus' story? (What lesson was He trying to teach?) 4. All stories have to have a good ending. An ending can be long or short, but must bring the point you are trying to make to a close...With what verse did Jesus begin His ending?
NOW, write your own parable:
1. Who will be your characters people, animals, insects, angels, etc? 2. The parable is a story that teaches a lesson. What lesson do you want to teach? (example: "Love one another", "You shall not steal", You shall not lie", "Do unto others as you want them to do to you" this is you plot. 3. When will your story take place: past, present or in the future? 4. Where will your story take place: farm, city, mountains? 5. Always know what your ending will be before you start. 6. Have fun!
Part II
Fill in the blanks with one of the words below:
Living - God Caesar's dead I Issac true Jacob Sadduccees Pharisees Abraham living
1. The ____plotted how they might entangle Jesus in His talk. 2. "Teacher, we know you are _____, and teach the way of God in _____. 3. "Render, therefore, to Caesar, the things that are ____, and to ____ the things that are God's. 4. The____ say there is no resurrection. 5. "___ am the God of ____, the God of ____ and the God of ____." 6. "God is not the God of the ____ but of the ____."
*For 2 pts: What scripture verse does Jesus quote in verse 44?
*For 2 pts: What is the "Great Commandment"? Write it.
When Jesus said " on these two commandments hang all the law and the Prophets", what did He mean?
Part I
1. The characters include: a King, servants, invited guest and strangers. 2. Present (not what time He foretold) 3. Jesus story reflects how God sent the prophets to Israel to draw them close to Him, but the killed the prophet. After several invitations being rejected, God sent out the invitation to the whole world, whoever would accept it, despite race, color or position in life. Jesus provides our wedding garment by taking our sins and making us clean. Without Jesus we cannot enter heaven . (John 14:6, Revelation 6:11, 7:9) 4. Verse 10
Part II
1. Pharisees 2. True, truth 3. Caesar's, God 4. Saduccees 5. I, Abraham, Issac, Jacob 6. Dead, living For 2 pts: Psalm 110:1 For 2 pts: "You shall love the Lord you God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." And "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
The answer should consist of the fact that in obeying these two commandments we are obeying all the commandments and what the prophets preached.